
INSPIRIT DESIGN Studio specializes in cost efficient, low capex high impact return renewal and renovations for hospitality companies. IDS takes the place of the traditional architect, contractor, and interior designer. This takes typical overhead and shifts it to metric driven results from a budget wise targeted renewal of public spaces, building exteriors and guest rooms. IDS has a specific eye towards reusing and refreshing as much of the existing infrastructure and FFE (Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment) rather than the traditional wholesale expensive remove and replace strategy that drains or postpones CapEx budget allocations. This strategy of maximizing and renewing, stretches these dollars and protects revenue by providing many options that may also allow for the work to be done without a complete shutdown/disruption.
Inspirit’s guiding mantra comes from its meaning ’to enliven and encourage and elevate’. These are the deliverables for INSPIRIT DESIGN Studio.
IDS services include not only design and sourcing services for the physical spaces, but also includes Brand design and refreshing. Hotels, restaurants, clubs and bars compose IDS client roster.